Oct 7, 2021
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This project has received funding from the Research Fund
for Coal and Steel under grant agreement No 101034039
Here you can see all the scientific publications associated with the project, as well as the meetings, articles and congresses derived from it
Scientific publications
Kickoff. First meeting held
to present the overall objectives
and plans to be fulfilled, and
also to initiate the new work
to be carried out. We have
also aligned the strategies
of each member to make
the collaboration more
Stakeholder. At this meeting we
invited all the collaborators and
people who have been directly and
indirectly involved in the project.
We explained the first progress
and results and presented the
next steps
Change control. This time the meeting is about where we come from, where we are and where we want to go. We open the debate to comment on suggestions, doubts
and questions
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