This project has received funding from the Research Fund
for Coal and Steel under grant agreement No 101034039
Optimisation of high damage tolerance at very high strengths by the quenching and partitioning process
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The objective of the project is to investigate the applicability of Quenching and Partitioning (QP) processes into thick components aiming at keeping or improving the performance of damage tolerance, mainly in terms of toughness and low cycle fatigue, in relatively large section components which currently uses quenching and tempering steels. For this purpose, careful selection of the chemical composition will be proposed taking account fine tuning of the QP parameters, the industrial processing windows in heat treatment and the microstructural gradient to be promoted across the component section. Modelling tools will be used for microstructural and mechanical prediction
Project objectives
Design a steel that, having the
considered dimensions and after
application of optimum QP
processing, leads to Rm of 2000
MPa, yield stress of 1500 MPa
while maintaining adequate
toughness (elongation larger
than 12-15%) and adequate
tolerance to damage in terms
of fracture toughness, fatigue
response and wear
Develop and validate a model
for the microstructure
development through
thickness of large-section
steel components. This model
will allow the selection of
optimum QP processing
parameters in thick components
different to the ones evaluated
in this project
Evaluate the industrial feasibility and life cycle assessment associated to the application of QP processing to thick components in comparison with typical quenching and tempering treatments
The solution

With the collaboration of